Skin Care Organisation

Making sure our skin care products are in date and really working is super important, not much point in spending all our hard earned pennies on this fabulous make up if the base isn't right. Here are my tips for giving your skin products a once over.

Firstly, I'd get all of your daily skin care products out and line them up so you can have a good look. Everything, samples your using the last of, cleanser and night products too. The main things your looking for are;

Has anything separated or changed colour/consistency?
Has anything expired?
Are any of them empty (if not in a clear bottle etc)?

Obviously you need to throw any of these products away now if you answered yes!

You should have left four main products, or at least the products you want to use daily for your routine. Moisturiser, cleanser, exfoliator and or sunscreen or whatever your choices are. Also of course you should get rid of anything that you feel isn't working or you don't like. If you get facials quite regularly or even if you've never had one now is a good time. You can talk through any issues you think you have and perhaps get some new recommendations.

peace and love xoxo


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