Out with the old....

So, the festive season is over, your probably back to the same ole routine, and planning to 'get to' your resolutions at some point.... right? No, me either! However, one resolution that we should ALL be sticking to is getting rid of all our broken, lids missing, cracked tubs and expired bottles of make up and beauty products! I am sad but I actually enjoy doing this, its therapeutic in a strange way, not to mention the fun you have when you get to buy the new stuff! I usually get a space somewhere in the house and organise everything into piles, makeup, skin etc. Then foundations, eyeshadows you get the idea. Then i decide whats to be thrown away, this can hurt a little bit I'm not going to lie... Not only are you throwing out things that are out of date they may well be out of trend and we cannot have that ladies. There's no better time than new year to get rid of things and start afresh with all the fabulousness that's j...